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July 11, 2005 Agenda
Chichester Conservation Commission
Monday, July 11, 2005 Agenda
7:00, Chichester Grange Hall

1) Review/approve last month’s minutes and review mail

2) CCC Goals Status Review
1) Land Protection

2) Source Water Protection Education/Web Site Development

3) Designating Prime Wetlands

4) Work on warrant articles to:

- Place conservation easements on the town forests (Spaulding and Carpenter);
               - Establish a stewardship account; and
                - Explore possibility of bonding for conservation land purchase.

        5) Blaze/paint property bounds on conservation easements

        6) Continue water quality monitoring of Marsh Pond.

        7) Seek funding to implement the Sanborn Cray management plan.

3) L&K Truck Equipment – site review

4) Other